October 31, 2011

Jesus Calls All - 71

Why are we not to judge others? Because we are just as guilty as they are.

Romans 2:1 Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.

On the other hand, does the limitation on judging others prevent you from confronting one another of their sin? It depends.

Non believers do not hold to the standards Christians do. They often disagree with Christian ideals. Calling these people “sinners” should only earn you a whirlwind of judgments on yourself. It’s better to discuss sin as a common thread between you and such a person, showing you are just as wretched as they are. The goal is to lead them to repentance through Jesus Christ. Guide without condemnation. Judging them will only drive them away, and who will be to blame for that?

Jesus calls us to be witnesses, not lawyers or judges. (I think there’s a T shirt that says that at my website: www.GodNCountryStore.com . Sorry for the shameless plug.)

Those who call themselves Christians, who continue to violate God’s commands while insisting they are forgiven, need to be taken out to the spiritual woodshed. You need to confront such Christians alone the first time, with witnesses the second time (if necessary) and then if there is still no repentance you are to disassociate yourself from this transgressor. (Matthew 18:15-17).

In today’s age of depravity, what the world defines as tolerance is actually nothing more than an endorsement for their immoral, anti religious, even anti Judeo Christian lifestyle. While we need to put up with it, we should not participate in it, sypathise in it, not endorse it. While we have to work within it, especially if we are on the front lines witnessing, we should refrain from these activities as we share notes with the non believers our common sinful culture, heritage and nature.

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