October 25, 2011

Jesus Calls All - 11

What is your purpose for God?   Why were you created?

Jeremiah 9:24  But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the LORD, exercising loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight," says the LORD.

We were created for the purpose of having an intimate relationship with God.  This is why God knows all about our intimate details, down to the hairs on our head.  (...which seems to be getting easier and easier to keep track of in my case!)

Once you deal with this, you begin a process where you learn that God is, has been, and will be, preparing you for the paths which He has made for you. (Jer. 29:11) Things of good and not of evil, with hope and purpose.

But without the relationship first, you will try to serve god and will serve this god via worldly, material things; possessions, wealth, employment position, as well as guilt, fear, and insecurity.  Any of these things are of a false god, not our Father in Heaven. They may inflate your ego; but overall, they will deflate you spiritually and make you weak for God’s Kingdom.  Finally, these “things” end up getting placed before God (Exodus 20:3); which, get in the way of that true relationship God and your spirit crave.  (Sounds like this is the work of the devil, you think?)

Once this relationship is established, any wealth, possessions and position you do acquire will be to God’s glory, not yours, and you will joyfully share your blessings with others.  And as your faith grows, so will your courage and boldness for Christ.

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