November 30, 2010

Is the narrow path to eternal life getting smaller?

Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. Matthew 7:13,14

It seems a few years ago the narrow road and gate that leads to eternal life was much wider than it is today. As early as 20 years ago I saw evidence of the new age movement getting a foot in the door with mainstream Christianity. I didn’t say anything back then, as I was still “young and stupid” in my faith!

Well, that’s changed. When I see pastors start accepting the teachings from the new age, quoting Islamic scripture, associating themselves with the new world order as if they are endorsing it, it’s time to ask questions. They got some ‘splainin to do!

These very pastors, most of whom have very large followings, are compromising their faith, and it’s these compromises that have become a snare to them (Deuteronomy 7:16). It has been suggested these pastors have either become power hungry, or they have become intrigued by the power structure and wish to become a part of it. You can’t serve God and mammon, God will let mammon win every time, at your own peril!

Either way, they have sold their faith out for the equivalent of a single meal. (Hebrews 12:16; Genesis 25:28-34) And unless they repent of the path they are taking, they will doom many in their churches to destruction.
As I see the Christian church become more corrupted, compromised and commingled with anti Christian ideals, the path to eternal life Jesus talked about gets more narrow. Much more narrow. How are we to defend ourselves and therefore stay on the straight and narrow path that leads to eternal life?

1. Test the spirits. Does the sprit profess Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, and is born of God? According to 1John 4 and 5, every spirit (or person) that doesn’t confess these things is not from God. And if it is not from God, where is it from???

2. Study the scriptures (Acts 17:10-13) Don’t take my word or anyone’s word for it. Look it up and read it yourself. This is one of the biggest reasons good and proper pastors will have you open your bibles when delivering a sermon. You get to read the actual scripture and see for yourself if it is true. Scripture on an overhead or power point display doesn’t count. Anyone can twist those words for their benefit. Those power point displays also don’t have the cross references included, important to verify the context of the message.

3. Put on and LEAVE on the full armor of God! (Ephesians 6:11-17) Be armed and prepared for anything an adversary will throw at you. There are plenty of wolves in sheep’s clothing out there, and Jesus taught us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

Every pastor, teacher, commentator, blogger, and anyone else claiming to profess Jesus Christ as the Son of God, in the flesh, must be put on notice: Unless the aforementioned individuals are reading from God’s word frequently in every sermon, message or writing, you will leave him and seek other doers of the Word who will. There are many very good small churches that preach God’s words and they don’t mince words. We need leaders who will challenge us to break out of what’s comfortable and into the uncomfortable. But we also need reminders of God’s grace, unconditional love, and His slowness to anger.