November 12, 2016

Elections last for only a few years...

But who we choose to follow in spirit lasts for eternity.

For Etenity, we have another election to take place.  This election only affects the individual as to how they vote; not all of society.  You can choose to follow God, in Christ, or NOT to follow God.  That's it; up or down; yes or no.  A yes vote means you get to spend eternity with Jesus, and No vote (or abstention from voting) means you get to spend eternity apart from God. (That would be in the place prepared for Satan and his angels).

What has made the United States of America the shining light on a hill for the world?  Not because we are perfectly good (heavens, we do a lot more wrong than good at times!) but because we for the most part, Americans feared God and tried to to what was right.  We have been the most generous, the most tolerant, the biggest defender of freedom against tyranny, and have had the greatest inventors in the 19th and 20th centuries. And when compared to most nations, we have done more good around the world than all other nations combined.

Yet over the last 50 years, we have removed God from our public presence.  And we have become less good.  We have become less prosperous.  We are less generous. We have become more ruthless, and what was once considered evil, is now considered right, and vice versa.

Today, less than half of Americans consider themselves Christian.  I imagine there are much fewer than that who have a relationship with Christ.

So, In America, we voted for a Capitalist.  A contrarian to politics as usual.  Socially liberal, with a huge passion for business.  And this election is good for only four years.  (Got that Clinton supporters?  Only four years.  If Barak Obama's opponents can endure eight years, you can endure four. ;-).   However, the choice each and every one of us makes in the eternal election lasts us for...well...eternity.  If four years of fear from being a political opponent to Donald Trump is bad,  how much worse will eternity be in opposition to God?

Cast that eternal vote for God, in Jesus Christ, today!  This may be your last chance to vote!

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