February 7, 2010

It's God's Money - 5

Just as the rich rule the poor, so the borrower is servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7 New Living Translation

Most Americans are in debt, over $30,000 per household. America is in debt. Over 12 Trillion dollars in debt, plus future obligations totaling another 102,000,000,000,000 more! These debts will continue to double every 7 – 10 years at the current pace, which should actually accelerate.

As a result, we are indeed, slaves. Slaves to banks, foreign countries and their governments, and as a nation we are being forced do other nations’ bidding, across town and around the world. Imagine not being able to protact ourselves from China because China threatens us with economic retaliations that would be worse than a real, direct war against China.  It is getting harder and harder for us to sell our government bonds to others, for everyone fears the dollar will be worthless in a few years.  China and Japan both have recently stated they will no longer buy any of our bonds.

Because our now godless government continues to tax, print and spend like drunken sailors, we must learn to work more and live with less, if we are to survive this economic mess they have created for us.

First: Surrender to God. Consider all you have and all you own is truly “on loan from God”. You won’t be needing any of it when God invites you to live in His house anyway, so intellectually speaking, let go of it now.

Second: Tithe. It’s God’s money, he has just loaned it to you, right? Give the glory to God.

Third: reduce and eliminate all debt. Save 10% of your income to buy a home (a fourplex is preferred, so you can live in one unit, rent the other three units out) with at least 10% (20% is preferred) down.

Fourth: Save and invest at least 10% of your income. This is money that should work for you, so you will not have to always work for money. I have already mentioned in previous blogs where to invest; refer to “It’s God’s Money – 2” for these ideas.

It’s that simple…or is it??? To do these things, you must either work more hours or get a better paying job (10% plus unemployment out there and here I am saying these things, but this is where your faith is tested) or you must reduce your spending.

Negotiate with your landlord if you pay rent. Many property managers are accepting lower offers on rent if that means a good tenant does not move out. Find a less expensive place to live, or take in a roommate. Reduce your living expenses.

Buy food in bulk, and share perishable foods with others.

Reduce driving a car, by taking a bicycle or bus to work. Eliminate the car entirely if you can, or reduce the number of cars you own and drive.

Shop at thrift stores, buying used merchandise instead of new. Be careful, it’s easy to buy poor quality goods here, where you may need to replace almost immediately after you buy them.

Monitor and manage your utilities. Do you really need all those cable channels; the fancy, $500 cell phone; and the super broadband internet connection? (OK, you might need the internet connection). Can you reduce your heating and light bill? Maybe you should turn off the computer at night!

Can you eat at home more and at the fast food joint less? One meal eaten out per week usually costs $600 extra per year. And many of us eat out 3-5 times a week! Three coffee drinks per week cost the same…and some of us buy that many in a day! Do the math.

Surrender. Tithe. Save. Invest. Prosper. And do all of this to the glory of God.  We did this after the Civil War, so it can be done.  We can do this. We can do all things in Christ who strengthens us.

© 2009 David Etenburn. Non - commercial reproduction permitted.

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