February 7, 2010

Have You Prayed for your Country Today? 11

God is at work…again!

A terrorist sneaks onto a plane with 289 people on board. Not armed with any visible weapons, just a few ounces of a high explosive stuck in his underwear. Not enough to raise suspicion at the airport, but enough to do the job: to crash a passenger airplane over a major US city.

It almost worked. The airport security in Nigeria, having no idea what to look for, let terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallabon the plane. After all, just because somebody in our government had been warned he was a terrorist does not mean everybody else on the international counter terrorist front got the same memo. We all understand communication between government agencies, especially international agencies, is difficult if not impossible. Bomb sniffing dogs could have picked something up on this thug, as could have other explosive detection devices, yet nothing was done to stop him from boarding the plane.

While on decent, over suburban Detroit, after putting his explosive together in a restroom, he returned to his seat and tried to detonate it. It should have worked; but instead, a small fire was started and quickly put out, passengers subdued the terrorist, and another attempt on America was thwarted.

But wait. By all accounts, that plane should have never made it to Detroit Metro Airport. It should have gone down in flames - in an open field, or in a shopping district, industrial park or residential area – where specifically we won’t know. What we do know it that it took an act of God to turn this disaster into another wake up call for us. What we do know is that the Lord our God spared the lives of at least 289 people; not just God fearing Christians and Jews, but people of all faiths, including Moslems and Atheists. The detonator, you see, should have worked. There was no apparent reason for it to fail.

Calling this anything short of a terrorist attack is foolish. Calling this a failed terrorist attack is even more foolish. Al-Qaida succeeded here, and our government’s solution is to claim that it failed, and put in place more defense. God is ignored though all of this by our government; fortunately, America’s citizenry doesn’t ignore God.

In reality, all of us should be giving praise and glory to God for rescuing so many people from certain death. As we continue to pray for our nation, let us also give praises to the Lord for our deliverance from this and all other future attacks on America.

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