January 22, 2017

Keeping the Faith, Regardless of Your Politics

So, we have a new president. Not a politician, not a military general, but a wealthy, private citizen.  The kind of person our founding fathers in many ways wanted to have in government.  That private citizen who takes a few years out of his or her career to help guide and manage the affairs of this nation.  Not someone who makes a career out of managing said affairs.

Scary, isn't it?  Donald Trump is no politician.  You know where your views stand with him, be they for or against your .  And he doesn't play political correctness, either.  He'll take that political sacred cow and turn it into a pork chop every chance he gets; so all of us can be assured of being rubbed the wrong way more than once over the next four years.

He's going to tear down many idols we have developed in America.  Idols in the form of bureaucracies that appear to help but only hinder and enslave us.  Idols that create the illusion Governments are our hope and salvation, in place of Jesus.  And when this happens, those who are dependent on the government will have to rely on themselves, their families, and most important, their faith to carry them through.  This kind of strength has proven to help significantly reduce and eliminate many of the addictions so many people of the modern world are struggling with.  So by removing the safety net/ hammock so many depend on - a scary thought, no doubt - many of these formerly dependent people will find their way and become independent.

Please, encourage one another through this.  The country is so divided, half wanting to become more socialistic, the other half wanting to embrace micro-capitalism, the kind of biblical capitalism that encourages every one to enjoy the fruit of their labor, instead of the rich oligarchs who do earn their wealth on their hirelings, often in disproportionate fashion.

Two thousand years ago, another politically incorrect man walked the earth.  Ane while his speech and demeanor was calmer, more gentile, more loving, he did have his moments when he railed on the establishment of His day.  Now, Donald Trump is not Jesus Christ...if anything...he is more like the antichrist.  Then again, anyone who has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God is more like the antichrist, perhaps that is why Jesus said he "would deceive even the elect, if that were possible".

Overall, if God is the one in control (He is!), and he is the one who exhalts those whom He exhalts, and humbles those who He chooses to humble, then He is truly in control, even right now.  So enjoy the roller coaster ride, keep your eyes on the prize of Christ, and occupy until He comes.  And may the One who is able to keep you from the various trials of this life comfort, direct and make your crooked path straight during this challenging season.

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