January 8, 2017

Happy New Years resolutions!

My wish for everyone who reads these words to have a wonderful, prosperous 2017.  May all the riches you have increase, and your troubles decrease.  May your faith in Christ's imminent return be boldened, and may you be consoled through the bad times that God is in control, He has big plans for you, and His will will be done.

Of course, with a new year, come our new year's resolutions.  You know, things like eating healthier, exercising more and losing weight, those seem to be the big ones.  Maybe you want to work on being a better employee, a better parent, or a better spouse.  The point is, we make these resolutions, and for whatever reason, all too often we fail within the first few weeks, and we give up.

Give up?  Why???  Is it because the challenge we place upon ourselves is too great, or so daring, that when life gets in the way just a little bit we throw in the towel and quit?  What does this say about any of us who take on a new challenge, pledge or yes; even a resolution; that as soon as we fail in perfection we simply give up!

Most of us reading this are forgiven sinners.  So if we are forgiven in our sins through Christ, why quit in our endeavors to improve our lives, our health and our relationship with others?  Do we give up in our (albeit futile) efforts to refrain from sin all because of one sin?  Of course not!

Several years ago, after a binge session of sinning, I came back to Christ and begged for forgiveness. I knew I had sinned a horrible sin; repeatedly, and while I knew in my mind I was forgiven, my heart continued to wrestle with this.   Until I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me, "Stop it!  Get up, dust yourself off, and get back in the fight!  You are much to valuable to be feeling sorry for yourself and wallowing in pity!!!"

Since then, one of my continuous resolutions is to continue to press on towards the goal.  Sure, I stumble and fall, but I get right back up and keep on going.  And THAT resolution should be the FIRST resolution you take on! This way, when life gets in the way, and you fail at your other resolutions, you have another one in place to get you back on track!

So, get back up, dust yourself off, and get back onto your resolution.  Don't quit, keep pressing onward, upward and forward.  Your life, your health and your relationships are much too important to those around you to give up; including God and Christ!

Oh yea, and one more resolution we should always have?  That is to put Christ first!  It too, gives this whole resolution thing the staying power it needs!

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