March 30, 2011

Courage for Christ - 10

Luke 10:19 Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

What is holding us back from proclaiming the Lord’s good news? Fear, also known as a lack of faith? Lack of time? Wherever you go you can talk Jesus or leave literature behind. It’s too cold to witness, no one is out? You can write and blog. Are you terrible at speaking, writing, and talking to strangers? So am I, yet, with practice and the Glory of the Lord going before me, here I am, writing, speaking, passing out literature, etc. Keep in mind, it may be me doing these things, but I would not be able to do any of them without the Holy Spirit pushing and pulling me forward. Without the Holy Spirit, I would be the same yellow bellied wimp as everyone else!

If, by Jesus, power has been given us over the enemy, and nothing can hurt us, why are we not using this power? Where is our faith, that we have access to this power and are afraid to try to use it!

Sure, in this day and age, people are being imprisoned, fined, taxed and on occasion, executed for the high crime of being a Christian or a Jew. And this kind of persecution will increase. While most of us are blessed to live in a country where such persecutions don’t exist, we are the ones who don’t show any courage. Rather, it’s the ones who face persecution daily; in Africa and the Middle East; who show the most courage. We fear embarrassment, they fear for their lives; yet they who face persecution daily know that Christ, in His perfect way, will protect them, and be with them to the very end.

It is this kind of faith that produces the courage that also casts out demons, heals the sick, shows up at opportune times, and brings others to Christ. What can you do today to strengthen your faith in Christ, to give you the courage to stand up for Christ?

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