Ok, so it probably won't be my last post, since no one knows the day or the hour when Jesus will come in the clouds and take His followers out of "the trial that is to come" (Revelation 3:10).
But, since we don't know the day or the hour, I cannot tell you or anyone when the last post will be, or what it will be on. This rapture may be 25 years from now, or 25 seconds from now. But we do know the season of His coming.
Matthew 24 is the key to this. This is Jesus' Olivet Discourse; where He gives His Disciples a description of the events that will be taking place at the time of His coming.
6) And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7) For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, plagues and earthquakes in various places.
8) All these are the beginning of sorrows.
6) And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7) For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, plagues and earthquakes in various places.
8) All these are the beginning of sorrows.
While many will point out this is part of the Tribulation, and they may be right, I believe the descriptions in Matthew 24 refer to his "meeting us in the clouds" to "catch us up" or rapture His followers home as described in I Corinthians 15:52, or I Thessalonians 4:16-17.
Should this rapture take place anytime soon, I'm ready. But are you?
I can only speculate that should this rapture I am faithfully insisting will happen does happen, someone may just stumble upon this post. The rest of this post is for them.
The Bible says you will have a very difficult time from here until they day Jesus returns. And it will get harder and harder, stranger and stranger each and every day. Half of the world's population will die. Half of all life on earth will die off, land and sea. When will it end? Roughly 30 days short of seven years from the time a great peace treaty is signed between a new global leader and the nation of Israel. That is when Jesus is to return, ready to do battle with those against him. Again, we don't now when it will start, but we will one day know when it will end.
You do not want to be against Jesus. You want to be against this global leader, who is the anti Christ.
The AntiChrist will kill you for going against Him, but choosing death instead of following this man is possibly the best way you can be saved from the wrath of God at this point. It may offer you a way out of the pain and misery that will come with His wrath. Jesus said "dont fear the one who can take your body, fear the one who can take both body and soul" (Matthew 10:28)
This period of tribulation will last at least seven years until Jesus returns and restores order. You can count of seven years from the day this AntiChrist signs a treaty with the nation Israel.
Find a bible. Read the last book, Revelation. Then, assuming there are cross reference notes in that bible (many bibles have them; some don't) read any place the notes in that bible refer you to. Then, read the entire bible; from the mindset that everything in that Bible is true; and that the Bible; in spite of it's documentation of many vile, vicious acts caused by one man upon another; is really a love story from God, from the very beginning to the end. A love story that transcends all time and space. You may not see it that way right now, but if you look at the Bible with that thought in mind, and look past the violence caused when mankind treats one another poorly, and when civilizations rebel against God; you will see a God who has compassion on all who turn their backs on their own way and in so doing, turn their hearts toward God.
You see, God does love you. He really does. He doesn't want you to perish; but instead, He wants you to live forever with Him. He wants you to love Him. The trouble is, he can't make you love Him. That is your choice. And most of the human race is choosing to love anything and everything except God. I pray you will not be in the majority.
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