December 11, 2016

Have faith, God is in control.

How can a supporter of Hillary Clinton consider themselves to be Christian?  This is a question many of my conservative friends ask repeatedly.  After all, she is pro-abortion; including abortion up to the moment before birth.  She cannot be trusted for anything, and everything she has tried to do in her political and professional life has pretty much failed.

While I agree with these sentiments, I have liberal, Christian friends that ask me how, as a Christian, could I even vote for a selfish, greedy, racist, phobic, womanizing, schmuck like Donald Trump?

Good point...and it makes you wonder.

Most of us who voted in this election voted for one reason; they distrusted the other candidate more than the one they chose.  Some surveys reported as many as 90% of the voters were motivated by fear; fear of the opponent winning.  But it appears the reasons most Christians supported Donald Trump came from his support of Israel, the potential for eliminating taxpayer funded abortion, securing our borders (like every other nation has on earth), and tax reductions for all Americans who pay income taxes.  Most of all; however, the concept of potentially overthrowing the overgrown, corrupt politics as usual was very appealing.  Time will tell if we replaced a tyranical despotic government with a despotical, tyranical one.

But keep this in mind: in 587 BC, a corrupt, pagan King Nebuchadnezzar breached the walls of Jerusalem and destroyed the city - God's sacred city.  God permitted it and said it would happen throughHis prophet Jeremiah.  The oint is, God used an even more pagan society than the nation of Judah at that time to overthrow Judah.  And if God can use Nebuchadnezzar for His good, to humble and preserve His remnant, then he can even use a Donald Trump to humble us and get our hearts right before God.  (Keep in mind, Nebuchadnezzar humbled himself before God as well; as he himself wrote in Daniel 4. It appears Trump may be humbling himself to God as well; time again will tell on this.)

So, for my liberal and conservative friends, God is the one in control; not some human we voted for.  He raises up nations and leaders, and brings them down.  As long as we focus on the reality that none of us are citizens of this world...we are citizens of a kingdom not yet seen, but promised...we as individuals will be be strong enough to prevail even when the country goes in a direction we don't want it to.

Have faith, my friends.

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