What are you doing to turn this country from its sinful ways? Are you confessing your sins, asking others to pray for you? Do you challenge those believers who are sinning with love and compassion, and pray for them?
There are plenty of people in the world who not only disbelieve the existence of a god, but they also deny Him. Others believe, but also believe they are “not good enough” or they simply refuse to humble themselves. These people need all of us to help them correct their “stinking thinking” so they too, may walk with the Lord.
No one can buy, borrow or steal their way into heaven. We can only beg. We must choose to beg. And the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ will give His grace to the humble. Then, while in faith and with the power of the Holy Spirit, we will repent and bear fruit.
Continue to pray for our neighbors, our politicians, and our land. Confront one another when we fall short, encourage one another, and love one another. God’s will be done.
© 2009 David Etenburn.