When Alexander Solzhenitsyn was a young boy, he would often hear form the elders in his community why Russia had fallen to the Bolsheviks, and Soviet Communism had taken over.
"We had forgotten God" was the comment he heard over and over.
Today, in the United States whe have a huge division. The coastal states against the central states seem to be the dividing lines. On the coasts, we have nearly godless societies where roughly 10% of the population goes to a church regularly, and less than 20% in some instances believe in God. These people believe that man can solve all their problems and we just need to work as one big collective society for the betterment of all. Just like Solzhenitsyn's Soviet Russia believed. And if you are against these people once they are in power, they will declare you to be an enemy of the state (aka racist, homophobic, intolerant, etc.) and you need to be re-educated, or executed. OK, so they havn't gone as far as the re-education/ execution yet; but something tells me it will come to this.
The heartland of America is more resistant to this trend, but they too are falling away. As their Ten Commandment monuments are being removed; by order of the activist judges who are rewriting definitions of laws; people are not reading them anymore and taking them to heart. Thus, they fall away as well. The end result will be the end of the United States, ushering in a global, communist government... just what the globalist elites want. Then, the prophecies found in the book of Revelation will begin.
Those of us who still read God's word are not surprised when they read that the falling away must take place before Jesus comes (2Thessalonians 2:3). And when you piece together the signs that Jesus described in Matthew 24, we know that the end is near. We may not know the day or the hour; but we do know the season, which is rapidly approaching.
So, what should we do?
As a Christian, we should lovingly preach the gospel. Sure, point out the Ten Commandments, and how you me, everybody on planet earth is guilty of breaking them. Include yourself, so they don't take it personally. Discuss how these "sins", these violations of these commandments makes us deserving of the death we all will face. Then discuss the grace and mercy of God, who sent us His only Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to pay the price for all of our sins, past present and future. This free gift is for anyone and everyone, because God doesn't want anyone to perish, but for all to have eternal life with Him. All we have to do is accept this free gift with gratitude.
Know this as well: most people will reject this gift. They would rather live their life, their way. God gave us free will, so we must respect their choice, but not without explaining the consequences of their choice. We are not to judge them; yet we are to warn them. Explain to them they have that choice, but if you want to live your life your way, apart from God, God will allow that. And when eternity comes, that place separated from God is commonly known as Hell. Now God and I don't want that to happen to you. That's why I am here to encourage you to repent; to change. You have until the moment you die to change your mind; be it 50 years or 50 seconds from now. "Are you sure you really want to live your life, your way?"
Do this all with an attitude and tone of love.