I would personally like to thank my friends for being my friends, my wife for being my wife, and God for the abundant blessings I have received throughout my life. I have a wonderful house with rental income, good employment, everything I need and many of the things I want as well.
It wasn’t always that way. I used to have a bad attitude about everything. The result was few friends (or none, If I had nothing), lousy employment if any employment at all, and a small apartment in run down neighborhoods or even living out of my car from time to time.
What turned it around? My desire to change. With that, I was able to accept the help from a few key people to become a fairly successful person. These friends I value the most to this day.
These friends I am most thankful for; including my wife, who has been the biggest positive influence in my life overall.
With these blessings, I have also been blessed with the biggest blessing of all; learning to care about others. It’s still a long, uphill battle, but if I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me, and since empathy is a Christlike characteristic, it is something worth pursuing, and its success is inevitable. Again, I am thankful for important friends who encourage me.
That said, there are many angry people in this country right now, hurting people, frustrated people, because, politically speaking they did not get what we want. At the very least they should be singing that Rolling Stones song. “You can’t always get what you want, but sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.” At the most they should be humbling themselves before an almighty God, asking why He allowed this to happen to them. Unfortunately, most of them have chosen to reject God, and all God is doing is respecting their choice, and staying away from them. And if good only comes from God, they will not receive any blessings. They have nothing to be thankful for as a result. Been there, done that.
First I had to put my faith and trust in Christ. After that, God tore me down to my foundation, and then put key helpers in my path to help Him rebuild me. This rebuilt person is the person people see now, not the angry, bitter, frustrated man I used to be; but a kinder, more gentile, confident, person who still has a long, long way to go to be the humble servant I want to be.
So, like any and all of us who profess Christ crucified, God is not done with us. And regardless of the path God has us on, may it strengthen you, build you up, and be used to give glory and honor to God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your wonderful gift of eternal life.