September 10, 2012

Rapture Ready

Thinking Outside of the Chessboard

When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."   Luke 21:28

Friends of mine, strong Christians as they are, are watching the news and current events taking place around the world and are getting very depressed.  Wars and threats of war are in the headlines daily.  Riots rebellions and economic collapse throughout Europe, which has the potential of collapsing the entire global economy, has the concern of almost everyone.  Islam, with its Sh’ria Law, is coming to cities here in the US; first in small communities, but is now expanding to entire suburbs such as Ann Arbor, Michigan.  New diseases and older plagues are coming to life, threatening our food supply if not our very lives.   And the global hate for Israel grows daily as Israel asserts its need to defend itself.  Just like Jesus said, in Matthew 24.

Then, there are also all the conspiracy theories.  Theories discussed 30 or 40 years ago about the corrupt banking and political system.  Initially dismissed as foolishness concepts from kooks, they are proving to be more accurate than any of us could have imagined.  This brings to credibility newer conspiracy theories; such as 9/ 11 and President Obama’s birth certificate, giving them more attention than they deserve.

Conspiracies have existed since the beginning of this nation...and earlier.  International bankers were said to have funded America’s Revolution from 1775 to 1781.  Lincoln was accused of being assassinated by these bankers.  Woodrow Wilson was elected President via political manipulation because he offered to give these bankers a way into our system by permitting the creation of the Federal Reserve.  FDR allowed the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor to get us into WWII without being the instigator.  And the Kennedy assassinations have perhaps hundreds of rabbit trails to go down. Conspiracies go on and on. 

I bring this up because one can easily spend the rest of their life getting all worked up over all of this.  After all, we hate the thought of being manipulated like some pawn on a chessboard, and we should.  But this time in history, I think the more healthy approach to all of this is ask yourself, “So what?”

There is only one conspiracy theory that should have you worked up over.  The scandal around the arrest, framing of charges, execution and resurrection of Jesus Christ almost 2000 years ago.  The Jews wanted him dead because claimed to be God, thereby upsetting their existing leadership and order of things.  They trumped up the charges tried Him at night, could not procure the witnesses and still found Him guilty.  The Romans wanted him dead because he claimed to be a king, and therefore, was a threat to the empire.  Finally, Satan wanted him dead because he saw that as victory for him …until Christ rose from the dead…that is.  This is the “conspiracy” we should be focusing on.

It is this death, burial and resurrection that we as Christians place our hope and trust.  Not in governments who form bureaucracies that burden us, politicians who lie every time their lips move, conspirators who manipulate us, or bankers who create new ways to bankrupt anything and everything as if the whole world was one big game of Monopoly.  Face it, every one of these institutions are run by…people!  Selfish, arrogant, greedy people!  Like you and me!  Also known as, sinners!

This November, Americans have a choice to make at the ballot box.  The fate of this once great nation is in the hands of the people.  Or is it?

We get to choose between a Mormon or a Muslim.  If you are a Christian, with conservative traditional values, this should be very unsettling.  But it goes beyond the religion of these two.  It goes to the heart of the political base of this country. To the base of either political party who loses, as well as wins.  You see, if one party wins, the losing party will encourage riots in the streets of our major cities.  If the other wins, whole states will attempt to secede from the union, subversively encouraged by the losing political party.  Either way, the US military will be called in to smash any such rebellion, and when our military refuses to fire on its own citizens, foreign military troops could be called in to do the dirty deed. This should end the democratic republic, the end of America, the end of any hope of liberty in the world.  Either way, the conspirators. the manipulators get what they want.  Our lives are on the white side of a global chessboard, and black mates in two moves.  The conspirators who we have denied have won the game.  Or have they?

The good news is, God operates outside this chessboard.   He sees all these conspiracies for that they are:  mere foolishness.  The world we live in appears to be everything there is; however, if we live on the universal equivalent of a 64 square chessboard and God lives outside of that board, how much more are we missing?  All too often we as humans want to hang on to whatever we have; our little square on that board, but if we are truly to live outside of this world and live for Christ, we need to get ready to move to something much bigger and better!  We need to get “rapture ready” to move outside of the chessboard; or to think outside of the box; or the chessboard.  So how do we get rapture ready?

·         Let it go, emotionally speaking.  Let it all go.  Wealth, finances, homes and land, jobs and lifestyles.  Emotionally, let them all go.  Emotionally start to detach yourself form all this.  Put Jesus Christ first!  Those of us blessed with so much will have much to lose on earth, and this may be difficult; while those like myself who have already lost it all should find this easier to accomplish.  We all know we can’t take it with us.  We should know we don’t want to take it with us.  I’m not saying we need to liquidate everything and give it away; for while we may be leaving in 20 minutes, it could still be 20 years.  What I am saying is the stuff of life on earth should be placed on a very low priority in our lives.  Come to think of it, it should have been that way all along.


·        Encourage one another.  Emotionally increase your relationships with one another.  Love one another.  Share the Gospel.  These disasters we have seen and will continue see more frequently serve as a warning to all.  While this may not be their last chance to accept Jesus, this will be their best opportunity ever.  These judgments will only get worse and more intense.  And while there will be tribulation saints after the rapture that will be required to give up their lives for the gospel, but there is a way out of such trials as well; and that way out is to accept Jesus now.

·         Pray continuously.  Talk to God throughout the day.  Discuss your concerns, vent your frustrations, and express your anger if you must with God.  God is a big God; he can take it.  And that still, small voice of peace and reassurance will chase away all your fears and concerns for this world.  Read His word daily for more reassurance and peace.  At work, at play, with friends or in private, keep our Lord in our thoughts frequently throughout the day.

These are scary times.  We should consider ourselves so blessed, because one else has ever seen anything like what we have seen and are about to see.  Yet Jesus told us there would be days like these, and we are not to fear, but rejoice, for our day of redemption is near!  It’s time to get ready to move off the chessboard.  It’s time to be rapture ready. 

April 9, 2012

Preparing the soul/ soil (Jesus Calls All - 81)

The parable of the sewer (Mark 4) metaphorically describes the spreading of God’s word to the masses. Some of the word falls on deaf ears (the path); some is heard but not taken seriously (the rocky ground); and some is heard, taken seriously yet is placed on the back burner due to “concerns of this world” (amongst thorns). Finally, there is the word, heard, received, and responded to (prepared soil). This is the word that makes more “words”. This is the word that touches the heart, wakes the spirit within, and produces a harvest for the Lord.

Unlike the farmer, who plants most of his seed on good, prepared soil, most of God’s word falls on unprepared souls (soil). As a result, most of this gospel seed is wasted. Only a small percent of God’s word falls on the prepared ear, desiring the hope we all have. Perhaps, the soul should be prepared first, like the soil is.

What does it take to prepare the soul for God’s word? Like soil, each soul has different needs. Is the soul physically hungry? Feed it. Have they been hurt by another person who was or claimed to be a Christian, thus having a hard heart towards Christ? Show mercy and compassion to soften their heart. Have they been told that science disproves religion, so they think it is foolishness? There is evidence to the contrary, show them evidence. Do they have a twisted form of religion, compliments of a cult, so they refuse to believe Jesus offers a free gift to everyone who simply believes in Him? Study the bible with them (but beware of their traps, so you don’t join them!).

But most of all, share with them that which is most frightening to you: yourself. Your testimony of being broken and restored; the benefits and blessings you have received on this earth for following Jesus; the difficulties and challenges you still face daily, now made easier by placing your faith and trust in God, rather than yourself alone or a government created by other fallible humans. This requires exposing vulnerable parts of your life and past you normally would not want others to know.

These things all take time and for the most part, some kind of relationship must be established.  Unless, that person is ready to hear.  This is the person you will lead to Christ, today!  But wait a minute!  Who talked to them about Christ before you?  Who in the name of Jesus showed some compassion or work for them before you came along?  Who pointed out that the heavens declare the works of God and explained to them the necessity for there to be a creator of this universe?  Who prepared and planted the soil before you came along?  Who watered it?  Who pulled the weeds?  No doubt, the others who witnessed to this soul before you.

Sometimes we are blessed to see the efforts we put into a relationship with someone seeking the Lord. But more often, we are only preparing the heart for the word to be sewn or to water and care for it. While there is nothing better than to be part of the harvest for Christ; remember, without the preparer and sewer, there would be no harvest.

So share the gospel to all you meet. Believers and non believers.  You may be preparing soil, sewing seeds, watering or weeding; and never see the harvest of this soul until the day of His Glorious Appearing. Then again, you may get to harvest, or encourage another Christian to share Christ with others too!

February 29, 2012

Have the Seal Judgments Begun? (Jesus Calls All - 80)

Over the past year and change, we have witnessed a series of violent, warlike events in the Middle East. Staring with Tunisia, and followed by Egypt and Libya, now in Syria and who knows; maybe Iraq, Afghanistan and even Iran; and perhaps all the way into Southeast Asia and Indonesia. And it appears more and more the Muslim Brotherhood is in the middle of it all.

Revelation 6:1,2 Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, "Come and see." And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.

Do you see the pattern? Could the Muslim Brotherhood (or a new Islamic Caliphate) be this white horse conquering nations? They seem to have been given leadership in Egypt and Libya so far, and who knows what kind of strings they are pulling behind the scenes elsewhere.

The next question one has to ask is: (especially if you are like me, a believer in the pre tribulation rapture) “Why are we still here?” The pre tribulation theory is, since the church is nowhere mentioned after Revelation 3, that the Church is no longer on earth; therefore, caught up.  Is that theory wrong?

Maybe the theory is wrong. Maybe it’s not. Time will tell. If the theory is wrong, be assured, God is not wrong. We need to be patient and look at where we may have misunderstood prophecy. Remember, the Jews misunderstood the role of their Messiah. And prophecy is not given to us to predict future events as much as it is to show us our God in action. If we use bible prophecy to predict the future we will be wrong more often than right. Let the events happen, then see how it fits the prophecy. That’s what (I think) I’m doing here.

Also, the church may not have been mentioned after Revelation 3 because, like the entire Western Hemisphere, it too is irrelevant, in regard to the judgments that are to come. We could still be here on earth as late as the 7th trumpet is sounded. (Revelation 11:15; I Corinthians 15:52) Remember, the Anti-Christ has yet to be revealed up to this time. It’s my opinion the church will be caught up prior to much of this, but I see no hard, scriptural evidence to support it.

But enough gloom and doom for the moment. The pre tribulation rapture theory could still be true. At Rosh Hosanna, (for 2012, this would fall on the evening of September 16) trumpets are blown. The last trumpet we hear could be that of the Shofar on that day, or the year following, or any other festival in the future that has the trumpets blowing.

Regardless of when we are caught up to meet the Lord in the air, one thing is certain: we will meet the Lord in the air! We may lose our lives here on earth first; in which case, we will be raised up first! (1 Thessalonians 4:16) So, whether we are caught up before the nasty stuff hits the fan, or just before the worst of the worst comes down on mankind, be assured God is in control, He will not leave us or forsake us, and He will protect us from all spiritual harm. That’s the life that really matters! Life to our Lord is very precious indeed, but our earthly death is irrelevant to Him, and it should be to us as well.

So be prepared for an immediate or delayed rapture. For earthly needs, store up cash and marketable commodities; enough for yourself and to share with those caught off guard. Spiritually, be bold in sharing the gospel to all you can, praying continuously. Fear not, even at the risk of losing job, business, lifestyle, or life. This how treasure in heaven gets deposited. Besides, the soul you share Jesus with may be that last one saved before the trumpet sound we are waiting for is blown!

February 21, 2012

Jesus Calls All - 79

Ephesians 6:11 - Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

The belt of truth, which holds the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (the only offensive weapon needed); shoes of the gospel of peace; the shield of faith; and the helmet of salvation. (Ephesians 6:11-17).  Leave any of these articles of protection behind and you are exposed to attack, and/ or cannot attack as well.

When we go out into the world; be it the workplace, the sports arenas and/ or shopping malls; when we deal with non believers and even anti Christians, what keeps us from falling? What makes us good witnesses for Christ?

God’s word, the truth; the gospel; and faith in salvation. We may study the bible and be ready for offense, but without the defenses, you will doubt, lose faith and return to your carnal ways.  Then what good are you…to yourself and to Christ?

When one writes blog posts on a (what should be) weekly basis, one can expect to face some adversity. Like I wrote previously, bad things happen to us often to test our strength and our faith. (Apparently, I have failed recently, because this is my first writing in almost seven weeks! D’oh!). I have been in the battle, but I “lost my sword” until today. As a result, I have been pretty worthless as a witness recently. Praise God He does not condemn me; instead, he encourages me to get back in the fight. So here I am.

The general consensus is we don’t have much time left to share the Gospel. Some think this may be our last year before the rapture. I think this “catching up” could be as much as 15 years away; though the thought of hearing a heavenly trumpet blast and getting the heck out of Dodge (or earth) has some immediate appeal. But there is still work to be done on earth for the Kingdom. More souls to come to Jesus.

What are you doing to encourage others to follow Jesus today? Put on God’s armor and arm yourself with His Word, and let’s get in the fight!

January 14, 2012

Jesus Calls All - 78

Exodus 3:10 Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.

When you are doing one career for 40 years (assuming you consider sheep herding a career, a few cattle ranchers would consider sheep herding a capital offense) it can be a very difficult challenge to transform into a leader of two million plus people overnight.

And Moses fought it tooth and nail, too. He wanted nothing to do with it. Fortunately, God wasn’t going for any of Moses’ excuses, either. God allowed Moses to run off for all these years to get him ready to lead. Managing a herd of sheep is no easy task. They keep wandering off in odd directions (kind of reminds us of some people we know…or…is that why God calls us His sheep? (Very funny, LORD!)

Anyway, every time Moses would make an excuse, God said he had it covered. God showed Moses a few miracles, gave him the eloquent speech he needed; including his brother, Aaron, everything Moses asked for, God provided, and more. God even introduced Himself to Moses by His name; I AM, for the very first time! (Exodus 3:14).

God cut Moses a lot of slack. This was the first time in 430 years that God had revealed Himself to anyone on earth, much less a descendant of Jacob (Israel). Today, He may expect more from us since we have His word, His teachings, and His prophets for reference. Moses had none of that; all he had was a verbal handing down of the history of man, and his forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. No Jesus, no Holy Spirit. But God was patient, as love is, and He provided Moses with everything he needed, and more. Moses is now known as one of the greatest leaders, prophets and judges in Israelite history. He was with Elijah and Jesus in the transfiguration on the Mountain. Wow, what a reward!

So when God gives us a command, don’t complain, don’t make excuses, and definitely don’t fight God. When God wins, you win too. Go do it, and God will make sure you will have His blessing on it and will provide everything you need, and much more!

If you don’t, someone else will; and THEY will get YOUR blessing!

January 2, 2012

Jesus Calls All - 77

Jesus calls All – 77 Why does God allow pain, suffering, struggling and bad things to happen to even good people?
Genesis 3:18b … "Cursed is the ground for your sake; In toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life.

There is a benefit to all this misery we experience. Together with the good we receive, we now have this unfair blend of good and evil that we all deal with. Some get more of one and less of another. Education, attitude, faith and sheer luck (aka; the Grace of God) all play a determining factor in how much good, and how much evil each of us will have to deal with.

But the curse God placed on earth is for our sake? For our benefit?? How can we benefit from bad things happening to us?

1) We experience a blend of good and evil (as promised above) on earth; either in the acts of nature or our own selfish motives, and we get to choose: for good, or for evil.

The curse of Genesis 3:18 above promises mankind a blend of good and evil all rolled into one planet. We get majestic mountains with snow, delicious food, oceans that start the rain cycle, rivers and beautiful flowers. We also have floods, earthquakes, and diseases. And thorns on that rosebush we love so well.

In addition, we as humans, who know what is good and what is evil, all too often choose to do that which is evil. We will lie, steal, murder, covet, dishonor our parents and/ or worship the almighty dollar; instead of our creator. Worse, we make excuses and blame others for the consequences that have fallen upon us as a result of the evil things we have chosen to do!

2) It gives us a reason to persevere.

Romans 5:3,4 And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Defeating adversity gives us a huge sense of accomplishment and creates a bond with those who faced such tribulations together. Ask any football player, or one who has faced military combat. Even a simple family camping trip (when it rains) often becomes a fond memory in later years.

3) For everyone, it may point to our sin; a rebellion against God.

Proverbs 13:24 He who spares his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him promptly.
As a sinful people, when we choose to rebel against God, or even out of ignorance disobey His teaching, bad things will often happen. This can often be revealed to us when we turn to Him in prayer. Repentance and returning to God will either soften this punishment, or you will be led through it, usually coming out of the ordeal emotionally and spiritually stronger than before.

That said, the sin will never be counted against a follower of Jesus Christ. The non believer, who chooses to ignore the teachings of God will find themselves addicted to their sin (Romans 1:24), which will lead them to their doom.

4) For a Christian, it tests our faith.

Zechariah 13:9 I will bring the [one]-third through the fire, Will refine them as silver is refined, And test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, And I will answer them. I will say, 'This [is] My people'; And each one will say, 'The LORD [is] my God.' "

Stress testing a physical object, such as a weld or a joint in a water or gas line, assures the connection between two pieces is strong enough to hold, and not break or leak. When difficulties face any of us, the Christian should see this as a test of faith: do we hold onto Jesus and trust Him, or do we try to take control of the situation? The non Christian has no faith, so he must rely on himself and his own determination. The lack of this faith in the Lord causes personal failures that remove all hope for this person…until they turn to God…or face death.

Ultimately, we can choose to follow a loving, caring God, who gave up His Son, Jesus the Christ, on a cross. All we have to do to choose God – to choose what is good and right - is to say, “Thank you Jesus, for your gift”. As a result, earth will be the only hell you will ever experience.

Should you choose to reject this free gift - or not make any choice at all - is the same as choosing evil. You are declaring you want to run your life your way, earning you eternity separated from God, in a place prepared for Satan and his demons. Fire and brimstone may or may not be part of this destination: terror and hate definitely will be.

And Earth will be the only heaven you will ever experience.