December 27, 2011

Jesus Calls All - 76

Take Jesus to work today (and every day). Watch your blessings increase!

Matthew 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

At my workplace, Christian music is played and bible tracks and sometimes my bible are out for all to see. In almost two years, I nor my employers have never received any complaints, only words of encouragement: from both co workers and clients. I experience the same pro Christ attitude at my bank as well, so I know I’m not the only one out in the world that proclaims God at my worksite.

I’m sure one of these days the complaints will come. I can only hope I will have the courage Peter did, stating “we ought to obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29). I have learned the Lord has my back, so I know my job is safe, until the Lord has other plans for me. Besides, who wants to fire someone who continues to pray blessings upon their employer and their clients? (Oh yea, I forgot. An agent of Satan would!)      :-0
As Christians, we have been too passive in our faith for too long. We need to display our faith, and make it known where that faith is. Let others ask questions. Let your actions answer them. Pray the Holy Spirit gives you the words you need to answer them. Pray that you will be given the courage to stand up for Christ at your work – this was not an overnight decision on my part – this challenge I place before you took me a full year to get up the nerve! Finally, pray for your employers and clients. It is good to bless non believers as well as believers; after all, how else can a non believer turn to God except with the help of someone like us?

December 26, 2011

Jesus Calls All - 75

Why would God send anyone to hell? Especially if He loves all of us??

Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Without a doubt, there is not one of us; be it Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Pagan or Atheist; that has not sinned - not broken one of God’s commandments -over the last 24 hours. We may not think it’s not that bad, but remember, God’s standards are much higher than ours.

We may work excessively in pursuit of money. Many have placed money in front of God on our priority list. Or perhaps we place ourselves over God with a selfish pride. How many other pursuits do we have that we have placed a higher priority than God? Have we cursed God? Do we keep a traditional Sabbath; on Saturday? Do we disrespect our parents? Do we murder (or hate others), commit adultery (or simply lust after another) steal, lie or covet? Maybe not all of them today, but all of us do one or more of these things daily. Sometimes multiple times a day! (Exodus 20)
So, we all deserve eternity in Hell. At the very least, we deserve the death we face. And this is where God’s love comes in. He gives us a way out, through His son, Jesus Christ, who was God in the flesh (John 1:14). Christ took your place; your death sentence, when he died on the cross 2000 years ago. As a result, the physical death of your body becomes irrelevant. You have been offered a free gift of eternal life.

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Accept this free gift, as you are, and you will be spared from Hell. Better yet, you live with Jesus in paradise, with no pain, suffering, tears, all that bad stuff we experience on earth. Don’t worry about cleaning up your life first – Jesus changes millions of lives each day. Humble yourself and surrender your life to Jesus. Get involved with a church where sinners like you and I meet weekly to give glory to God.

But it’s your choice. You can accept or reject this free gift. You can send yourself to heaven or to hell. You have been offered a free gift, a free pass into absolute paradise. But if you would rather spend eternity apart form God (in hell) God will respect your choice.

You see, it’s not God that will send you to hell. You will send yourself there.