October 31, 2011

Jesus Calls All - 71

Why are we not to judge others? Because we are just as guilty as they are.

Romans 2:1 Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.

On the other hand, does the limitation on judging others prevent you from confronting one another of their sin? It depends.

Non believers do not hold to the standards Christians do. They often disagree with Christian ideals. Calling these people “sinners” should only earn you a whirlwind of judgments on yourself. It’s better to discuss sin as a common thread between you and such a person, showing you are just as wretched as they are. The goal is to lead them to repentance through Jesus Christ. Guide without condemnation. Judging them will only drive them away, and who will be to blame for that?

Jesus calls us to be witnesses, not lawyers or judges. (I think there’s a T shirt that says that at my website: www.GodNCountryStore.com . Sorry for the shameless plug.)

Those who call themselves Christians, who continue to violate God’s commands while insisting they are forgiven, need to be taken out to the spiritual woodshed. You need to confront such Christians alone the first time, with witnesses the second time (if necessary) and then if there is still no repentance you are to disassociate yourself from this transgressor. (Matthew 18:15-17).

In today’s age of depravity, what the world defines as tolerance is actually nothing more than an endorsement for their immoral, anti religious, even anti Judeo Christian lifestyle. While we need to put up with it, we should not participate in it, sypathise in it, not endorse it. While we have to work within it, especially if we are on the front lines witnessing, we should refrain from these activities as we share notes with the non believers our common sinful culture, heritage and nature.

October 27, 2011

Jesus Calls All - 70

I heard of a Christian family this week, in need of financial assistance, rejecting aid from one of their neighbors.  Why?  The neighbors were not Christians!  This is craziness!!  God used a non-believer to provide for them when they needed it the most.  What was this family waiting for; a miracle?!  God can and will use non believers, pagans, thugs and even secular humanistic atheists to promote His will; which at the very least is to make sure His own are provided for. (Matthew 6:32)  Accepting the aid and showing gratitude to this non Christian family was not only the right thing to do, but can also be used to introduce the neighbor to Jesus.  See example below:

Ezra 1:2,3  "This is what Cyrus king of Persia says: "'The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for him at Jerusalem in Judah.  Anyone of his people among you--may his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the temple of the LORD, the God of Israel, the God who is in Jerusalem.

The king of Persia has commanded the Lord’s temple be rebuilt.  And all the Jewish exiles were welcome to go and help.  Furthermore, those who returned to Jerusalem were to be adequately funded for the trip home as well as the reconstruction costs!  The Lord used a pagan leader to provide for His people!

Ezra 1:4  And the people of any place where survivors may now be living are to provide him with silver and gold, with goods and livestock, and with freewill offerings for the temple of God in Jerusalem.'"

When the Lord wants you to do something for Him, the obstacles will be removed.  The funding will be provided; from the most peculiar of places, too!  You will have everything you need to accomplish the task.  Don’t question where it came from (unless it was stolen!); give glory to God Almighty and put the resources to good use.  (Non believers seeking the truth are counting on you!)

October 26, 2011

Jesus Calls All - 69

Who will receive the greater reward in heaven?  The American Christian who out of his excess gives to missions around the world yet cowers in his faith with his neighbors; or the poor Christian who has nothing to give except for his life, and freely does so, rather than denouncing Christ.

Acts:4:19,20 But Peter and John replied, "Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight to obey you rather than God.  For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard."

In your workplace, at school, or in your neighborhood, are people telling you that you should not (or even may not) speak or teach about Jesus?  What is your response??

We are blessed in the
United States with the ability to speak our minds, and to promote and discuss any topic of our choice - including those of religion and faith – without government intervention.  Unfortunately, this is not the case around the world, and there are many in the US that want to see Christians and Jews silenced as well.  (Islam, strangely, seems to be getting a free pass.)

Nonetheless, there are employers here in the US that will terminate employees if anyone complains about hearing a Christian radio station coming from, or seeing a bible at another employee’s workplace.   Not because they dislike Christians, but because these employers know one complaint can grow into a lawsuit.

Knowing you can lose your job in the USA is enough to intimidate most Christians right into the closet.  However, in China, India, Iran, Africa and many other parts of the world, it’s not jobs being lost; it’s lives.  People are arrested, imprisoned, tortured and massacred because they will not recant their faith.

These strong willed believers are an inspiration to many of us.  We as Christians in some of the wealthiest nations need to develop a backbone for Christ or face the wrath of a returning Christ.  If Jesus called the church of Laodicea, “…wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked”; what will He call us??

So, who gets the greater reward?  It’s just a guess, but methinx it’s the latter. For if Jesus is worth dying over, He is certainly worth losing a job over.

October 25, 2011

Jesus Calls All - 11

What is your purpose for God?   Why were you created?

Jeremiah 9:24  But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the LORD, exercising loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight," says the LORD.

We were created for the purpose of having an intimate relationship with God.  This is why God knows all about our intimate details, down to the hairs on our head.  (...which seems to be getting easier and easier to keep track of in my case!)

Once you deal with this, you begin a process where you learn that God is, has been, and will be, preparing you for the paths which He has made for you. (Jer. 29:11) Things of good and not of evil, with hope and purpose.

But without the relationship first, you will try to serve god and will serve this god via worldly, material things; possessions, wealth, employment position, as well as guilt, fear, and insecurity.  Any of these things are of a false god, not our Father in Heaven. They may inflate your ego; but overall, they will deflate you spiritually and make you weak for God’s Kingdom.  Finally, these “things” end up getting placed before God (Exodus 20:3); which, get in the way of that true relationship God and your spirit crave.  (Sounds like this is the work of the devil, you think?)

Once this relationship is established, any wealth, possessions and position you do acquire will be to God’s glory, not yours, and you will joyfully share your blessings with others.  And as your faith grows, so will your courage and boldness for Christ.

October 24, 2011

Jesus Calls All - 68

2 Samuel 10:11,12    Joab said, "If the Arameans are too strong for me, then you are to come to my rescue; but if the Ammonites are too strong for you, then I will come to rescue you.  Be strong and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The LORD will do what is good in his sight."

They’re ganging up on you.  You are surrounded.   You can’t run, you can’t hide.  You can only fight you way out of this situation.

Well, not exactly.  There is one thing; one asset you can also use: your faith.  Prayer.  God is there with you throughout any mess you find yourself in.  He doesn’t care if it’s your fault or not.  He is there for you.  It can be as trivial as an errant golf shot putting your ball in a bunker or harsh words or actions resulting in a loss of a client or job.  It can be as severe as having a neighboring country (or in this case, two neighboring countries) to go to war against you.  God is there.  Be it the entire Israelite army (as in this case) or only the 300 chosen men that Gideon used (Judges 8), God is there. 

So, if God is there for everything, large and small, why don’t we discuss our problems and concerns to Him more often?  Because we don’t ask Him.  And when we do ask, it’s for the wrong, selfish motives. (James 4:2,3)  He wants to hear form us.  He wants to guide us as the one who sees all and knows the beginning from the end.  Don’t you think he understands the path we are taking may look good from our angle but he knows of something even better for you if you go a different path?  His path?

Whatever the challenges you face (and they are only becoming more intense and more severe) remember, The Lord our God will do what is good in His sight.  Seek his insight, follow His still small voice. (Proverbs 3)  The world is one big minefield…you must go through it…it’s part of life.  The Lord our God will do what is good in His sight.  

October 19, 2011

Are Mormons and Christians really the same?

The link attached to this post is from a blog from Seattle PI writer Amy Rolph; a decent writer by any means.  But it appears (since I have never met her) she may be in over her head on this post.  Or is she?

Amy commented, from a secular perspective, Seattle pastor Mark Driscoll's comments that he believes Mormonism is a cult.  (As do I, for that matter.)  And pastor Driscoll's initial post not only explains a few key differences in mainstream Christianity and Mormonism (specifically, the lack of a triune God in Mormonism) but a detailed history review the word, "cult itself, dating it back to the early 17th century.  The key to this is pastor Driscoll's use of the ESV bible's definition of a cult; being, "…any religious movement that claims to be derived from the Bible and/or the Christian faith, and that advocates beliefs that differ so significantly with major Christian doctrines that two consequences follow: (1) The movement cannot legitimately be considered a valid “Christian” denomination because of its serious deviation from historic Christian orthodoxy. (2) Believing the doctrines of the movement is incompatible with trusting in the Jesus Christ of the Bible for the salvation that comes by God’s grace alone.”

That, from a Christian's perspective, is exactly what the Mormon Church is.  Ergo, the "cult" moniker.

Mormons believe God and Jesus are two separate individuals, yet Jesus states, "He how has seen me has seen the Father" and "I and the Father are one", and "before Abraham was, I am", where Jesus used the very same phrase "I am" used when God introduced Himself to Moses in Exodus 3:14.  Jesus also commanded we baptize others in the "name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit", placing Himself and the Holy Spirit on equal footing with God Himself.  Either Jesus was telling the truth, or he is the greatest deceiver (liar) the world has ever known.  But the miracles he performed His prophecies that have come true and are today coming true have convinced me He is the Son of God, and God Himself, in the flesh.  While Mormons will confess they acknowledge the three facets of the Godhead, they deny that these three manifestations can be the one and the same God.

This difference can separate a good, loving person from the grace of God.  In John 4:1-3, John warns about the spirit who fails to claim Jesus (God) has come in the flesh; that this spirit is of anti-Christ, and should be avoided. John 3:18 refers to such a person as condemned, for denying Jesus as the born Son of God.

Mark goes on to point out we are not saved by the sacrifice Christ made, giving us His grace to be good, but only by the blood of Jesus Christ that covers all of our sins and transgressions, past present and future.  he also quotes various Mormon commentaries and discourses that are in direct contradiction of Ephesians 2:9, "not by works, so that no one can boast".

I can go on. Mormonism teaches perfection is an attainable goal (vs. Romans 3:23); in baptism for the dead (this removes all freedom of choice) as one family member can "pinch hit" for another member who had passed away; as was the case when a cousin of mine who is Mormon was baptized for his atheist father.

Some questions I have with any Mormon are, "Are you at peace with your Heavenly Father?  If so, does this peace come via your righteous means, (which would contradict Ephesians 2:9) or via the righteous means of Jesus Christ?"  The average Mormon is uncomfortable understanding these questions together.

Mark Driscoll, myself and every Christian I know of does not want to see any Mormon (or anyone, for that matter) be condemned, yet Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and that no one comes to (God) the Father except through Him.  That means there is only one path; not many.  It's an easy path; however, narrow but straight.  All have access but unfortunately few will find it.

Amy has stirred up a kettle of controversy that will result in lots of attention and some great ratings for her site, something all bloggers aspire!  Furthermore, she makes no attempt to explain one side or the other, she just sticks out the few comments she thinks will agitate the most people:Christian, Mormon, and atheist/ agnostic.  For that, I have to say, well done!