October 17, 2010

Remembering your first love.

When you spend much of your time focusing on how current events are more and more linking it all into end times prophecy, it becomes too easy for all of us (especially myself) to take notice of the wrath of God. But the “greatest commandment” in the Bible is, Love the Lord with all your heart, all your mind, and all your strength” (Deuteronomy 6:5).

The Lord our God is slow to anger, and abundant in love. He encourages love first. It is said, God is love. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…” It is because of these words, I fear we may be neglecting our first love, out of our zeal.

The non - believer sees the zeal, and misinterprets it as hate, or worse, passing judgment. The weak or new believer may either get uncomfortable, or worse, join in the fray and become a zealot. Neither is good. Sure, the Lord is coming, and this time, He will come with a sword. But this does not mean He doesn’t want to love all of us, regardless of where we stand with Him. He is not the one condemning a non believer, the non - believer stands condemned already for not believing Gods only Son.

Love is a choice. God has chosen to love us, but we don’t have to love Him back. It’s Islam who teaches, “Submit to god, or die”, not Christianity. Christianity teaches, “Love one another” and “Love your enemies and forgive those who persecute you”. It is this message of love that will bring more and more into Christ. The prophetic message should be used to back up God’s word. One is not more important that the other, but love will attract more to the Lord It’s not too late for anyone to come to Jesus.

Everyone has until the moment before they die to choose Christ. That can be in fifty years or fifty nanoseconds. Let’s remember it's about the love of God first, as well as His prophetic word.


October 9, 2010

Have You Prayed for America Today?

In 1962, the Supreme Court Ruling of Engle vs. Vitale struck down voluntary prayer in schools. With this, the first amendment phrase, “…nor prohibit the free exercise thereof, the establishment of any religion”, was replaced with “separation of church and state,” a phrase which has Marxist roots. Almost immediately, the decline of the United States of America began.

The War on Poverty soon began, extracting more wealth from our successful industries in order to create a better life for those impoverished, not through faith in God, but through the efforts of man, and government. Later, a health care plan for Senior Citizens was created, placing a larger burden on society to support the retired. More works of man to replace faith in God.

What followed was a sexual revolution of the young, resulting in increased disease, unwanted pregnancies, unwed, single mothers with no fathers in the household, and a greater burden on the government. Less God, more man.

David Barton’s 1988 report entitled, “America: To Pray? or Not to Pray?” illustrates increases in illiteracy, crime, premarital sex, and venereal disease. It also documented the increases in depression, hopelessness, suicide, drug use, government corruption and a slew of other social ills since the Supreme Court ruling that ended up replacing God with government.

Fifty-eight years later, without fathers in the house, we now have a huge criminal class, three generations of families permanently on welfare, 50 million aborted babies, and a government that has spent 13 trillion ($13,000,000,000,000) dollars on what it has described as an assortment of “crisises” and has obligated itself to spend an additional 100 trillion (that’s $100,000,000,000,000) more over the next 40 or so years. All Man, No god.

$100,000,000,000,000 is more than all the wealth in the world in 2010. It is more than the wealth of 3,000 Bill Gates. It is more than $300,000 of debt for each US resident, which should be enough for all of us to abandon the land once blessed by God Almighty; and now abandoned by God, for we abandoned Him first.

At the very least, we should abandon our government. And return to God. Return to the foundations that made the United States of America the greatest nation ever on planet earth. It appears at the time of this writing Americans could potentially abandon the very government that two years ago offered up this false hope for real, positive change. May each of us humble themselves and pray, and turn from their Godless ways, and in turn may the God of Heaven, hear these prayers from earth reaching Heaven, forgive them their sins and heal this land. All God, no man.